Audio Control
License:Shareware; $9.50 to buy
File Size:1.5MB
Limitations:Free to try
Last Update:2007-09-17
Audio Mixer Software Application

Audio Control Description

Audio Control is an audio mixer software, replacement for the standard Windows Volume Control. It displays the sound controls of each audio device in a very functional and aesthetic way. Audio Control is fully customizable and especially useful for its ergonomic design and extended functionality, including saving space on the task-bar, making use of otherwise unused space, easy access, improved precision, intuitive interface, idling features, and more. The Audio Control help system is designed to be as useful as possible. Information is distributed in a tree-structure by topics and sub-topics. Context help is supplied by pressing F1 for control or menu-item that is currently focused/selected or via the context menu by selecting '???? Beneath the Click' menu item.


Audio, Acoustic, Sound, Volume, Level, Control, Manage, Tune, Fader, Balance, Mute, Mixer, Channel